I thought this post by Jim Ingersol was so to the point. Just outstanding. Jim and I met on a Walter Wofford / Quest IRA cruise several years ago. Jim and his wife Janice live in the Richmond, VA area. He is a real pro. Trustworthy and to the point. A no BS type of guy. A great human being!!
Let’s start by looking forward 10 years, to the year 2030. What do you really want your life to look like? Take a minute and write down your answers to the following 5 questions.
1. Who do you want to be spending the most time with?
2. How physically fit do you picture yourself?
3. How much time freedom do you want and what do you want to do with it?
4. Where will you want to travel (and with who)?
5. What impact do you hope to be making in 2030?
All things are possible, but first you have to know where you are heading and then believe in yourself to make it happen. You have to dig deep and really discover your “why.” Without knowing your “why” you will likely run away from your dreams as soon as you hit your first obstacles. So how do you really find your own “why?”
2019 in review – Now take a look back at 2019 by looking through your photos on your phone (and in facebook), look through your dropbox, review your journal, take a look at what went great and what your business struggles were, look through your dropbox and your journal along with the places you went and the people you met in 2019. Which things brought the most joy and what did you learn in your struggles? Reflection can be an important piece of planning for your future!
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.
– Mark Twain